Bill Situ
English and ESL Instructor
The complement of a sentence sometimes might just have an adjective along with a modifying adverb. However, many students do tend to express this improperly:
Jack very smart.
This test quite difficult.
The fight very violent.
Before the adjective, there always needs to be a verb like "be", "become", or "get":
Jack is very smart. ("Is" is the conjugated form of "be".)
This test gets quite difficult.
The fight becomes very violent.
Now the above expressions are fully grammatical.
Jack very smart.
This test quite difficult.
The fight very violent.
Before the adjective, there always needs to be a verb like "be", "become", or "get":
Jack is very smart. ("Is" is the conjugated form of "be".)
This test gets quite difficult.
The fight becomes very violent.
Now the above expressions are fully grammatical.